Tales of Serendipity: Rediscovering Memories, 3D-Printed Knobs, and Sweet Gestures (Episode 11)
Podcast, Life Podcast, Life

Tales of Serendipity: Rediscovering Memories, 3D-Printed Knobs, and Sweet Gestures (Episode 11)

Do you ever take a moment to appreciate the serendipitous moments life throws your way?

In this episode, host Lisa Brooks takes us on a journey of unexpected twists and turns in one of her days. From rediscovering long-forgotten high school memories on VHS tapes, to a chance encounter at a local library that leads to a surprising 3D-printed solution for a cherished typewriter, to small gestures of kindness, the day unfolds with discoveries of the extraordinary in the ordinary.

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Desensitized to Danger: Navigating the Reality of Gun Violence (Episode 9)
Podcast, Life Podcast, Life

Desensitized to Danger: Navigating the Reality of Gun Violence (Episode 9)

Trigger Warning: Gun violence is a discussed topic on this podcast episode.

Have you ever stopped to think about how desensitized we've become to the harrowing reality of school shootings?

In this episode, host Lisa Brooks shares a personal and thought-provoking experience that may hit home for many of us as she delves into the difficult task of discussing the unimaginable with a child.

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The Power of Asking: How I Became the Donations Queen (Episode 2)
Podcast, Life Lisa Brooks Podcast, Life Lisa Brooks

The Power of Asking: How I Became the Donations Queen (Episode 2)

Are you afraid of asking for things or requesting help?

In this episode of the “Perspectives from a Pomegranate” podcast, host Lisa Brooks shares her early experiences of asking for donations. From calling local pizza places to convincing one of the Steves from Apple to donate a computer for a high school raffle, her success in taking the plunge and making the ask helped her overcome the fear of speaking up and asking for things needed (and wanted!).

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My Budding Entrepreneur
Life Life

My Budding Entrepreneur

My budding entrepreneur is focused on ways to make money. Today he decided he would draw two pictures for my friend if she would pay $6 for them. She played along and told him that he should draw some pictures and show them to her, and then she would see what she thinks they are worth.

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"Helping" My Kiddo Fall Asleep
Life Life

"Helping" My Kiddo Fall Asleep

Darn, he’s on to me. When my kiddo has trouble falling asleep I lay next to him and fake yawn, which makes him yawn. I do it a few times and he is usually out cold. Tonight he said something about how when I yawn he yawns, and thought it was weird. Then my trick stopped working.

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At this moment I feel a sense of hope about 2018...
Life Life

At this moment I feel a sense of hope about 2018...

Being the parent of a child with chronic health issues has been described as unrelenting, exhausting, and isolating. I’m sleep-deprived beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Most days I barely recognize the person I was a few years ago, and the life I lived seems as if it wasn’t even mine. But small acts of kindness can turn your whole perspective around…

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Life, Travel Life, Travel


Trying to find myself again: You know, the girl who was spontaneous, adventurous, and not afraid of much. We were sitting at the Ferry Building watching ferries and decided to hop on one.

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We're Here For You
Life Life

We're Here For You

By sharing knowledge, hope, and inspiration, Pomegranate Creations is dedicated to making a difference for people living with Type 1 diabetes or food allergies. Come and explore: Read articles about day-to-day life with these medical conditions, along with navigating healthcare, dealing with insurance, and managing travel. Rest assured you’ve found a steady companion for the journey with these chronic conditions. 

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