Sometimes I Just Have To laugh...Or I'd Spend All Day Crying

Photo of a product on Amazon: funny mug saying "I'd like a tall mocha vodka Xanax latte to go please"

Let me tell you about my morning. Kiddo woke up with a BG over 200 despite corrections during the night. I laid out clothes (note the turquoise underwear and blue pants - that's important later!) I pre-bolused and waited for a drop. And waited. And waited. Texted his aide to say he would be late. Finally gave up and let him eat. He complained about the peach (7 carbs) because (apparently now) he doesn't like them anymore. As I was getting a different fruit, I got something in my eye. I have no idea what it was, but it was excruciating. Tried to hold my eye open and flush it with the kitchen sink sprayer. No luck. Decided to hop in the shower so I could really flush my eye. No luck.

While I'm getting dressed, he yells that he has to go potty. I get a text from a mom who I'm supposed to have met at dropoff because she is loaning me a Sonicare charger because mine has evaporated into thin air. And of course, I'm not there. She offers to leave it in the office...unless I want to grab coffee. Text and say I can't because I've got something in my eye I need to deal with. Keep one eye closed, pack up diabetes supplies and school snack and head to school. Run into a friend in the office who looks at my eye and can't see anything. Amazingly, two minutes later whatever has been in my eye comes out and the pain subsides. I call "Sonicare mom" to apologize...tell her I only have a little time and my hair is wet, but we should grab a quick cup of coffee.

We meet at the coffee place. I order mine "for here" and order an egg and cheese bagel because now I'm hungry. We sit down and my kiddo's aide texts asking if I think he is dehydrated. That is code for we don't have any data on the continuous glucose monitor (CGM) - dehydration is the most frequent cause of no data. Usually she gets him to hydrate with Propel...he will drink more of that than water because it tastes good. Of course she told me last week we were out of Propel in his supply bin, and I've been driving around with it in my trunk for days and keep forgetting to give it to her. I text and say that I'll drop off the Propel in about 20 minutes. Then she texts and says he doesn't have his devices. Hmmm. I know he put them in his pants before breakfast. Why wouldn't he have them? I now look at "Sonicare mom" and say, "I'm so sorry, but I have to go. Now." (At this point I'm betting "Sonicare mom" thinks I'm crazy and is glad I'm leaving!) Pour the beautifully designed latte into a "to go" cup, get my food to go, run home and head up to his room. Said blue pants and turquoise underwear are sitting in the middle of the floor with the devices in the pockets. Apparently he grabbed a different pair of (likely dirty) underwear and blue pants from the floor and put them on after using the bathroom. I obviously didn't notice because I had one eye closed!

I race to school, drop off devices and Propel, and stop by the principal's office to chat. I immediately raid his candy jar and proceed to tell him about my morning. He breaks out the "good chocolate" and shares it with me, along with a muffin. He comments that at least I'm laughing. What's the alternative? Crawling back into bed in a soggy pool of tears?

Now I'm home trying to cram what I was supposed to have two hours to do into a 45 minute window before I head back to school... at which point the principal and I are going to tell my kiddo that the two 1:1 aides he has had for two years aren't coming back next year. Panic and upset are likely to follow.

And I just realized my shirt is on backwards because I couldn't see! That's the first three hours of my day. How about you?


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