Terms of Use

The contents of the Pomegranate Creations (PC) website such as text, graphics, images, and other material (“Content”) and related social media outlets are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or legal advice, nor does it provide diagnoses or treatments. The medical and legal needs of each individual are unique: PC recommends that you contact your physician or other qualified health providers for medical advice and guidance. You should never delay seeking medical or legal advice based upon the Content of this website. Choosing to use Content from PC is solely at your own risk. The information contained on this website may be shared for educational purposes only but must be attributed to PC.


Any mention of specifics brands or products does not represent an endorsement unless a financial relationship is specifically stated. In most cases specific brands or products referenced are the ones that Lisa uses.

If a blog post, an article, or any other content is sponsored by a company, PC will disclose this within the blog post. Any sponsored content will be clearly labeled as such.

Lisa does accept free products for review. She may choose not to write about a product if she cannot write fairly or favorably.

Outgoing links to merchants might be affiliate marketing links. Such links net PC a small percentage of the sale and contribute to the costs of running the website. The price is the same to you.