Guilt and Gratitude: Parenting through Complexities (Episode 6)

Have you ever walked a mile in another parent’s shoes?

In this episode, host Lisa Brooks delves into her mixed emotions after attending the final home and school club meeting of the year. Along with deep gratitude towards the dedicated parents who volunteer their time to create amazing opportunities and foster a strong sense of community for the students, as a single parent to a child with complex medical needs, Lisa wrestles with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, wondering why she can't contribute more, along with wondering what others may think.

Lisa shares about the struggle to balance the day-to-day realities and ensure her child's well-being, as well as the grief and loss that parents can experience when life doesn't go as planned. Join in today for a unique perspective on parenting and the struggles faced by parents of children with special needs.


The Power of Backup Plans: Lessons from a Wild Day (Episode 7)


Celebrating Diaversaries: A Journey of Resilience and Reflection (Episode 5)