Tales of Serendipity: Rediscovering Memories, 3D-Printed Knobs, and Sweet Gestures (Episode 11)
Podcast, Life Podcast, Life

Tales of Serendipity: Rediscovering Memories, 3D-Printed Knobs, and Sweet Gestures (Episode 11)

Do you ever take a moment to appreciate the serendipitous moments life throws your way?

In this episode, host Lisa Brooks takes us on a journey of unexpected twists and turns in one of her days. From rediscovering long-forgotten high school memories on VHS tapes, to a chance encounter at a local library that leads to a surprising 3D-printed solution for a cherished typewriter, to small gestures of kindness, the day unfolds with discoveries of the extraordinary in the ordinary.

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Epinephrine Injectors Don't Always Work
Food Allergies Food Allergies

Epinephrine Injectors Don't Always Work

Epinephrine injectors don’t always work. Yes, that’s what I said. Let it sink in. Epinephrine injectors don’t always work. This blog post was inspired by a post from a mom, Misty Gardner, in a food allergy support group. Her son just had a severe reaction during an accidental exposure to dairy and wound up in the Intensive Care Unit. Fortunately he is okay, but I was so moved by her experience and desire to educate others that I reached out to ask if I could share her story more broadly.

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"I'm Not Afraid of Low Blood Sugars" - Did I Just Say That?
Diabetes Diabetes

"I'm Not Afraid of Low Blood Sugars" - Did I Just Say That?

Yes, I actually said, “I’m not afraid of low blood sugars.” And I said it to our new prospective endocrinologist! The words kept rolling around in my head the rest of the day. Is that true??? Sort of. I now have what I’d consider a healthy respect for: the nuances of diabetes, how quickly things can change, and the immediate action required to prevent or manage a low blood sugar.

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Six Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me At Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis
Diabetes Diabetes

Six Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me At Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

One of my closest friends in the diabetes community called tonight. Her colleague’s child was showing all of the “classic” signs of Type 1 diabetes, so she had done a finger stick on the child. The result was 212. We both know that is not a “normal” blood sugar, and combined with everything else we had heard, a diagnosis is likely forthcoming. She asked me to think about good advice for her colleague. Here’s what I wish someone had told me when my son was diagnosed.

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Severe Cashew Reaction
Food Allergies Food Allergies

Severe Cashew Reaction

My son has his first reaction to cashews at 17 months of age. His reaction was very severe. He already had severe milk and egg allergies. I remember walking through the grocery store in a daze, looking at labels and wondering how to safely feed my son.

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At this moment I feel a sense of hope about 2018...
Life Life

At this moment I feel a sense of hope about 2018...

Being the parent of a child with chronic health issues has been described as unrelenting, exhausting, and isolating. I’m sleep-deprived beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Most days I barely recognize the person I was a few years ago, and the life I lived seems as if it wasn’t even mine. But small acts of kindness can turn your whole perspective around…

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