From Salami and Cheese to Permanent Housing: How Helping Another Woman Led to an Unexpected Friendship (Episode 1)
In this inaugural episode of the "Perspectives from a Pomegranate" podcast, Lisa shares her experience of meeting an unhoused woman outside a grocery store. Ultimately leading to both friendship and a successful effort to help the woman find permanent housing, Lisa reflects on their conversations and the challenges they faced.
Navigating Halloween With Food Allergies and Type 1 Diabetes
Halloween — Most of the day revolves around food… and costumes. While a lot of parents are simply enjoying the day, parents of kids who have food allergies or Type 1 diabetes (or both) have more to think about than a costume.
Food Allergies Sometimes End in Tragedy
In the past week alone, I’ve seen three stories about food allergies causing a life-threatening reaction. Three. And those are just the ones I’ve picked up on via social media. Two of those stories had happy endings, and sadly, one did not. Clearly I’m not privy to the details of each situation, but based on what has been shared publicly, here are my observations.
Six Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me At Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis
One of my closest friends in the diabetes community called tonight. Her colleague’s child was showing all of the “classic” signs of Type 1 diabetes, so she had done a finger stick on the child. The result was 212. We both know that is not a “normal” blood sugar, and combined with everything else we had heard, a diagnosis is likely forthcoming. She asked me to think about good advice for her colleague. Here’s what I wish someone had told me when my son was diagnosed.
GUEST BLOG Inclusion: Kids with Food Allergies Can Do Anything (They just can’t eat everything!)
Camp Blue Spruce came about as so many good things do – a mom wanted her son to have the experience of an overnight camp, but she wasn’t confident that a kid with seven life-threatening food allergies would be safe at a “regular” camp. I was that mom, and when I realized there were no camps that could provide a safe environment for him, I founded Camp Blue Spruce, a worry-free camp for kids with food allergies!
When You're On The Phone With Someone Experiencing Hypoglycemia
It’s happened a few times…and again just now, which reminded me of how I approach this situation. A very competent member of my son’s healthcare team called late in the evening. After chatting for a few minutes, I asked why this individual was at work so late. The response was, “I take my time…and I’m low.”
At this moment I feel a sense of hope about 2018...
Being the parent of a child with chronic health issues has been described as unrelenting, exhausting, and isolating. I’m sleep-deprived beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Most days I barely recognize the person I was a few years ago, and the life I lived seems as if it wasn’t even mine. But small acts of kindness can turn your whole perspective around…