Getting To Know The Pharmacy Manager

A man in a white lab coat is standing in an elementary school classroom giving a talk about how pharmacies work

I hear people expressing frustration about their experiences with pharmacies quite a bit. Sometimes medications don't get filled or are delayed because of the various steps required: the physician has to send the correct prescription to the correct pharmacy; the pharmacy has to verify the insurance benefits and determine if that medication (or a substitute is covered); and sometimes the pharmacy has to order the medication from a wholesaler if it isn't something they commonly stock or happen to have on hand. When you add in the complexity of retail pharmacies, specialty pharmacies, mail order pharmacies, time limits on refills, and tiered copay plans, the average customer is totally overwhelmed.

Enter the pharmacist. And sometimes, more specifically, the pharmacy manager. I've always found that when I get bogged down with issues at a pharmacy, getting to know the pharmacy manager often helps...because generally speaking, pharmacists like to help people. I've never met a pharmacist I didn't like. When we use a pharmacy on a regular basis, I now make a point of introducing myself to the main pharmacist and pharmacy manager. I tell her a little about my son - his diagnoses, the medications we typically use, and some of the challenges we've experienced in the past. I don't bother her for little, routine things. But when I need something done quickly or I'm having issues, that's when I reach out for assistance.

I realize that my background is in healthcare, so I'm very comfortable talking to any healthcare professional. Don't let a lack of experience stop you from engaging this valuable member of your team. They are generally very friendly! In fact, last year I struck up a conversation with a pharmacist. With my healthcare background, it turned out we had a lot in common so we have stayed in touch. For career week at school, I had the opportunity to invite special guests - he readily jumped at the chance to teach kids about the role of a pharmacist and spark some interest in this career path that provides an important service to the community.


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