Should I Use WiFi Or Cellular Data With Dexcom?
Diabetes Diabetes

Should I Use WiFi Or Cellular Data With Dexcom?

We were at the pool with another Type 1 family recently. They had just started using a Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) and we were talking about how helpful it is for a variety of reasons. The mom’s biggest frustration was how often “I lose data when following my daughter’s blood sugar remotely.”

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"I'm Not Afraid of Low Blood Sugars" - Did I Just Say That?
Diabetes Diabetes

"I'm Not Afraid of Low Blood Sugars" - Did I Just Say That?

Yes, I actually said, “I’m not afraid of low blood sugars.” And I said it to our new prospective endocrinologist! The words kept rolling around in my head the rest of the day. Is that true??? Sort of. I now have what I’d consider a healthy respect for: the nuances of diabetes, how quickly things can change, and the immediate action required to prevent or manage a low blood sugar.

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High Blood Sugar After Exercise
Diabetes Diabetes

High Blood Sugar After Exercise

When my son plays with friends – at the park, in the pool – anywhere that involves activity, he often has low blood sugar during the activity followed by high blood sugar after exercise. One of our physicians suggested that when he was invited to play I tell him he could do so – but needed to wait 30 minutes so I could decrease his basal insulin. While that sounds great in theory, imagine telling a young child whose friends have just knocked on the door that he has to wait because of diabetes. What resonates in my head is “child first, diabetes second.” This is my issue to fix, not his.

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Getting To Know The Pharmacy Manager

Getting To Know The Pharmacy Manager

I hear people expressing frustration about their experiences with pharmacies quite a bit. Enter the pharmacist. And sometimes, more specifically, the pharmacy manager. I’ve always found that when I get bogged down with issues at a pharmacy, getting to know the pharmacy manager often helps…because generally speaking, pharmacists like to help people.

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