Simple Joys On The Road
Travel Travel

Simple Joys On The Road

Finding small things that make me smile or for which to be grateful. 80 on I-80. Clouds in the desert sky. And a gas station with a squeegee on a long pole so I could clean my entire windshield.

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Life, Travel Life, Travel


Trying to find myself again: You know, the girl who was spontaneous, adventurous, and not afraid of much. We were sitting at the Ferry Building watching ferries and decided to hop on one.

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We're Here For You
Life Life

We're Here For You

By sharing knowledge, hope, and inspiration, Pomegranate Creations is dedicated to making a difference for people living with Type 1 diabetes or food allergies. Come and explore: Read articles about day-to-day life with these medical conditions, along with navigating healthcare, dealing with insurance, and managing travel. Rest assured you’ve found a steady companion for the journey with these chronic conditions. 

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