Financial Assistance For EpiPen and Auvi-Q

A photo of a box of EpiPen's and Auvi-Q on a table

Healthcare costs can add up, so it is always useful to know about discounts and savings programs for medications.

Mylan is the manufacturer of EpiPen and EpiPen Jr. They now also manufacture a generic version. This link will take you to Mylan's Access and Savings Programs.

AUVI-Q is now back on the market. We loved this injector for a lot of reasons, and I talked it up a ton with friends and colleagues when it first came out. The story behind it is quite interesting. The name explains it in a few syllables: "AU" stands for audio, "VI" stands for visual, and "Q" for the word cue; hence audio visual cue. When ready to use, the injector has audio (verbal) instructions as well as printed instructions on the device. The first time I used it was the first time I'd given my son an epinephrine injection. I was very grateful to have something that talked me through the steps since I was in a bit of a panic. This link will tell you about obtaining AUVI-Q, including an option for a $0 copay with commercial insurance. I tried the process recently, and it worked for me!

Links verified 5/28/2018


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