Heading Into Summer: Keep Your Insulin, Epinephrine, and Glucagon Cool

Multiple colored bags the tag "frio" along with diabetes management tools

If you’re like me, you’re on the go all the time.  I often feel like a sherpa with the supply backpack: carrying diabetes and allergy supplies along with allergen-free food. Many of our medications have temperature requirements and storing them on the go used to be a challenge. Enter FRÍO® Cooling Cases. They are amazing, only require soaking in water to refresh them, and then keep our medications cool for a few days.  I own several sizes, including the biggest one they make which holds (barely) 1 Glucagon, 2 EpiPens, 1 vial of Humalog, and 1 Levemir Pen. (In my head I just heard, “five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens…”)

The US distributors of FRIO® are a Type 1 family too!  I approached them with my plans to help the Type 1 and food allergy communities, and they generously offered a 15% discount to my readers. When you visit their website www.friocase.com use code "PomC" to get your discount.

And now for the official details supplied by FRÍO®:

The FRÍO® Cooling Case (FRÍO®) is a reusable evaporative cooler that is designed to keep medication at or below room temperature – it keeps medication from getting too hot (over 86 F).  It is not a refrigerator substitute – it will keep medication cool – not cold.  Tests prove that FRIO® keep its contents at or below room temperature for up to 45 hours in temps of 100 F or more. In general, the FRIO® keeps its contents between 64.4 and 78.8F.  This temperature range is safe for most medications that can be stored at room temperature, including insulin and epinephrine auto-injectors. FRÍO® can be used for medications that can be stored at room temperature. FRIO® are reusable!  Most people report 2-5 days between activations. FRIO® needs exposure to air as that allows them to evaporate.  Evaporation = Ability to cool. In areas of high humidity, ensure adequate air movement to promote evaporation.

Our research indicates that epinephrine auto-injector pens have a storage requirement of 59 F to 86 F.  This is within the range for FRIO®.  We recommend that users of medication other than insulin ask their primary physician, pharmacist or the medication’s manufacturer for the safe travel data/safe travel allowance of their medication to make sure that a FRIO® is right for their medication storage needs.  To learn more about the FRIO® visit www.friocase.com.

Some suggestions for choosing the appropriate case for food allergies:

  • To carry 2-3 EpiPens – choose the LARGE (no waterproof liner needed)

  • To carry 2 AuviQ injectors – choose the SMALL plus a waterproof liner


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